
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Nature collage

This nature collage is fun for children of any age. It's simple and a fun learning experience, too. Simply take your child on a walk around your block or nearby park. Allow them to carry a small basket or bucket. Show them different kinds of leaves, flowers, tree bark, moss, etc. and let them pick out pieces that they like. Let them feel the texture and explain to them what it is and how it feels. They can even smell it, as all of these things will have unique smells!

Be careful that your child doesn't pick things from people's personal yards, or completely pull down flowers or plants. Explain to them that someone put those there because they wanted them there and that if we take them apart, no one else will get to see and appreciate them, and that isn't fair. It's hard for most very young children to accept this right away, but they'll learn if you stand by your words.

You will need:
- little bits of nature (we collected, two rose petals, a variety of leaves, a clover, tree bark, tree moss, and some little weeds)

- two sheets of wax paper
- an iron

1. Take your child for a walk and use the time to learn a little bit about nature while collecting little bits of it.
2. When you're home again, tear off a sheet of wax paper and lay it flat on the table. You or your child can arrange the pieces you collected onto the sheet. Cover it with your second sheet of wax paper.
3. You'll need to use your iron on a hot setting, no steam, on top of your collage to melt the wax pieces together and around your foliage, etc. *Keep in mind that your iron is very hot and can be very unforgiving on children's skin. I recommend that a parent or other adult does the ironing to avoid any accidents.*

Voila! You're done and you have a beautiful little collage of nature to hang in your window. Enjoy!

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