Piggy paint is an odorless, all natural, non toxic polish designed for children and babies. Their piggy slogan is, "Natural As Mud". I bought some pink polish for my daughter at a baby superstore for a whopping $7.00 for a very small jar of it, but I have to say, it's worth having her little nails done in photos, family events and holidays, etc.
I find that it's a great alternative to getting her ears pierced like most people do when they want it to be easier for people to see that their beautiful bundle of joy is female. I painted my daughter's nails for the first time when she was about six months old, while she was sleeping. Even while she played the next day the polish didn't chip away as quickly as I'd thought it would. They even have a natural polish remover for those little piggies!
Keep in mind, they do have coupons and deals from time to time so that you don't have to break the bank on something so unnecessary. They also have a ton of colors to choose from. Their website, should you wish to browse their products, is: HTTP://WWW.PIGGYPAINT.COM/
The picture below is of my daughter's cute little nails the first time I polished them!

Here you go! I found a good link to the nail polish in case you guys want to purchase some! :)
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